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    What will I find?

    The short answer is that I'll find people living in most of my old houses. I say most because I know for fact, that many of them are gone. I know the apartments we lived in when I was born is now a strip mall. I also know that the hospital where I was born was torn down a few years ago. I wonder, is THAT a sign of my life? As I age will more and more of my old houses simply cease to exist?

    The longer or more in depth answer is that I'll find parts of myself I had forgotten about, either by choice or just age. I can't be expected to remember every detail but oddly I remember entire conversations. I remember making up a game in the garage at the house on Shereborn, daring one of the kids to hit a target. I made the target so small I thought there was no chance... and dang it, he hit it on the first shot. I recall I took my only option, I pretended that my mom was calling me...

    So odd bits and pieces, but I think like a zombie coming back from the dead, I'll fill in the bits and pieces as I go along. The first stop, if you follow along with TripTiks, is Santa Barbara. I know exactly where the house is, and I know a great place to eat. It will be a good first stop...



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